Events at New Hope

People of faith gather at New Hope Lutheran every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for worship around word and sacrament and for fellowship.  We are pleased to welcome guests.

Scripture readings for May 4, 2024

1st Reading: Acts 10:34-48

Psalm: Psalm 98

2nd Reading: 1John 5: 1-8

Gospel Lesson: John 15: 9-17

Coming in March

Full stomachs and warm hearts go together like turkey and dressing. This year donate a turkey to a family in need and brighten the Thanksgiving season for families, children, seniors and veterens in our community. To donate, see details below or visit

Bible Study begins Wednesday, September 6th, 2023, 5pm at New Hope Lutheran Church... all denominations welcome. The topic of this year’s study is Life to Life Discipleship. Visit for more information.

Christmas Eve Service 2022

New Hope will be forever grateful to the men and women firefighters as well as other first responders who saved our town from the devastating Mosquito Fire, September 2022.

Christmas Eve Flyer

New Hope holds 2 annual fundraisers for the Interfaith Food Ministry. We operate a balloon dart booth at the Foresthill Memorial Park on July 4th and during Heritage Days in September.  This is a popular game for children and adults to win stuffed animals and to support an important local charity at the same time.